custom mutable reference types

27 Dec 2014

Rust’s mutable references provide exclusive access to writable locations in memory. If we have x : &'a mut T, then we know that the referred-to T cannot be read or modified except through dereferencing x. In other words, x can have no aliases. This guarantee is crucial for memory safety, as it implies that any mutations we apply through x have no risk of invalidating references held elsewhere in our program.

The Builder types of capnproto-rust also need to provide an exclusivity guarantee. Recall that if Foo is a struct defined in a Cap’n Proto schema, then a foo::Builder<'a> provides access to a writable location in arena-allocated memory that contains a Foo in Cap’n Proto format. To protect access to that memory, a foo::Builder<'a> ought to behave as if it were a &'a mut Foo, even though the Foo type cannot directly exist in Rust (because Cap’n Proto struct layout differs from Rust struct layout).

So the question arises: how do we define custom mutable references?

As we’ll see, the easy part is ensuring exclusive access, which can be achieved simply by not implementing the Copy trait for foo::Builder<'a>. The tricky part is making it ergonomic to reuse a reference, something that built-in mutable references achieve through special automatic reborrowing semantics. Our custom references can use similar semantics, but they need to be slightly more explicit about it.

Okay, let’s get concrete. Suppose that Foo is defined in a Cap’n Proto schema like this:

struct Foo {
  x @0 : Float32;
  blob @1 : Data;

When we call capnp compile -orust foo.capnp, we get generated code containing the following definitions:

mod foo {
  pub struct Builder<'a> {...}

  impl <'a> Builder<'a> {
    pub fn get_x(self) -> f32 {...}
    pub fn set_x(&mut self, value : f32) {...}
    pub fn get_blob(self) -> ::capnp::data::Builder<'a> {...}
    pub fn set_blob(&mut self, value : ::capnp::data::Reader) {...}
    pub fn init_blob(self, length : u32) -> ::capnp::data::Builder<'a> {...}

You see here the usual accessor methods that allow us to read and modify a Foo. Note that the get_ and init_ methods take a by-value self parameter. This ensures that at most one ::capnp::data::Builder referring to the blob field can be obtained. For example, if we call foo.init_blob() then we cannot later call foo.get_blob(), because foo moves into the first call and cannot be used again. As the ::capnp::data::Builder<'a> type is in fact just a typedef for &'a mut [u8], it should be extra clear here why exclusivity is important to maintain.

One thing we might do with these accessors is initialize the Foo and return a reference to its interior, as does this function:

fn init_and_return_slice<'a>(foo : foo::Builder<'a>) -> &'a mut [u8] {
    foo.init_blob(100).slice_mut(5, 10)

But what if we want to call this function and then afterwards call set_x()? We might write something like this:

fn do_some_things_wrong<'a>(mut foo : foo::Builder<'a>) {
     let slice = init_and_return_slice(foo);
     slice[0] = 42;

but if we try to compile this function, we get the following typecheck error: 19:12 error: use of moved value: `foo`         foo.set_x(1.23);

The same pass-by-move semantics that were essential to preventing aliasing have now become a problem. We would like to be able to borrow foo for just the inner block, and then reuse it for the final line. If foo were a built-in mutable reference, such a reborrow would take place automatically, and everything would just work. Fortunately, we can make do with our custom mutable reference if we use the following following function, which is also included in the generated code:

mod foo {
  impl <'a> Builder <'a> {
    pub fn borrow<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Builder<'b> { ... }

Using this, we can write our function as follows, and it successfully typechecks.

fn do_some_things_right<'a>(mut foo : foo::Builder<'a>) {
        let slice = init_and_return_slice(foo.borrow());
        slice[0] = 42

So it appears that the main inconviences of using our custom mutable references compared to built-in mutable references is that we need to add some calls to .borrow() and maybe add some mut’s to some bindings. In fact, it seems to me that it would be possible for Rust to support a built-in Reborrow trait that could eliminate even these inconveniences.

Finally, in case you’re wondering why we prefer by-move self over &mut self in our generated accessor methods, suppose that we also define this type in our schema:

struct Bar {
  oneFoo @0 : Foo;

Using by-move self allows us to return references deep in the interior of a Bar, like this:

fn init_field_and_return_slice<'a>(bar : bar::Builder<'a>) -> &'a mut [u8] {
    bar.init_one_foo().init_blob(100).slice_mut(5, 10)

If init_blob() instead took a &mut self parameter, this function would fail to typecheck because the foo::Builder returned by bar.init_one_foo() does not live long enough.

update (26 March 2018)

The borrow() method has been renamed to reborrow().

-- posted by dwrensha

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