no_std support

06 Jun 2020

Over the past few years, many people have expressed interest in using capnproto-rust in no_std environments – that is, without pulling in the Rust standard library. Today I’m happy to announce that the latest release, version 0.13.0, supports that.

To use a no_std capnproto-rust, update your Cargo.toml to the new capnp version and disable default features, like this:

version = "0.13"
default-features = false

This turns off the new “std” feature flag in the capnp crate. In turn, that feature controls a crate-level no_std attribute and gates the parts of the crate that depend on the standard library.


To see no_std capnproto-rust in action, check out this new example that passes data to a WebAssembly function through a Cap’n Proto message. I observed the size of this example’s generated wasm code to shrink from 1.6MB down to 660KB when I added #![no_std].

I/O traits

The biggest challenge in getting capnproto-rust to work with no_std was dealing with input/output traits. In previous releases, capnproto-rust defined its main serialization functions in terms of std::io::Read and std::io::Write. That would be a problem in a no_std context, because those traits are stuck in std.

The solution I settled on was to define custom capnp::io::Read and capnp::io::Write traits, and then to define the capnp serialization functions in terms of those.

Blanket impls like the following then allow existing call sites to continue to work without being altered:

mod std_impls {
  impl <R: std::io::Read> crate::io::Read for R {
  impl <W: std::io::Write> crate::io::Write for W {

Why now?

Two recent Rust developments paved the way for today’s release:

  1. The stabilization of the alloc crate means that collections like Vec are now usable with no_std. (capnproto-rust strives to minimize allocations, but still relies on the global allocator for some things like messages with a dynamic number of segments.)
  2. no_std support for async/await means that we can use async blocks wherever we want. Previously, we would have needed to define some custom Future implementations to avoid putting an async block in the capnp crate.


Many people contributed useful ideas in the discussion that led up to the 0.13 release. I am especially grateful to nicholastmosher and bbqsrc for submitting diffs that explored the design space.

-- posted by dwrensha

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