the libserialize traits

01 Jun 2014

A number of people have asked me whether Cap’n Proto might be able to hook into the Encodable and Decodable traits of Rust’s libserialize. My current answer is “perhaps, but it probably wouldn’t buy us much.”


The purpose of Encodable and Decodable is to provide a convenient way to make existing Rust data types mobile. For example, you might have a Rust data type Foo,

struct Foo {
  a : u64,
  b : String,

and you might encounter a need to send values of type Foo between processes. Using libserialize, you can add a deriving annotation, like this:

#[deriving(Encodable, Decodable)]
struct Foo {
  a : u64,
  b : String,

which automatically gives Foo the methods encode and decode, allowing translation to and from JSON, EBML, or any other encoding that implements the Encoder and Decoder traits.

In the case of JSON, this approach has a secondary use case. For structs, arrays, and primitives, the mapping between Rust and JSON is canonical and simple enough that you can in fact use libserialize’s JSON codec for communication with externally defined interfaces, as when you’re constructing the JSON body of an HTTP request to some server that you don’t control.

Cap’n Proto

The typical mode of use of Cap’n Proto follows a different pattern. We start by defining the types that we need to be mobile. For the above example, we would have a schema file containing this definition:

struct Foo {
  a @0 : UInt64;
  b @1 : Text;

We could then use that schema to generate code in any of the supported languages. For Rust, this would give us types named Foo::Reader and Foo::Builder with accessor methods providing access to the a and b fields. You can think of these readers and builders as fancy pointers into a byte array representing an already serialized Foo. Cap’n Proto lets us access and modify these bytes in a way that’s nearly as convenient as accessing and modifying Rust-native structs.

The chief advantages of Cap’n Proto, including its high performance and the small size of its generated code, are only possible because all operations on data are directly backed by byte arrays in this way.


Suppose you’ve already defined some Rust data types, you now want them to be mobile, and you also want to use Cap’n Proto. What options are available to you?

You could move the data type definitions into a schema file and replace all uses in the Rust code with the generated reader and builder types. If feasible, this is the way to go, as it gives you all the benefits that Cap’n Proto was designed for, including backwards compatibility.

It might, however, be too awkward to use the Cap’n Proto readers and builders everywhere. An alternative on the opposite side of the spectrum would be to mimic the behavior of the JSON codec. You could implement Encoder and Decoder for a Cap’n Proto schema describing Rust values, as outlined below.

struct RustValue {
  union {
    struct  @0 : Struct;
    variant @1 : Variant;
    array   @2 : List(RustValue);
    uint8   @3 : UInt8;
    uint16  @4 : UInt16;
    uint32  @5 : UInt32;
    uint64  @6 : UInt64;

struct Struct {
  fields @0 : List(Field);

struct Field {
  name  @0 : Text;
  value @1 : RustValue;

struct Variant {
   name  @0 : Text;
   args  @1 : List(RustValue);

Note that this may or may not actually be more efficient than the JSON version.

Another option might be to move the data type definitions into a schema file but keep the Rust type definitions as well, and to implement some code generation for translating between them, perhaps through the Encoder and Decoder traits or something similar. This would preserve some of the advantages of both approaches, but would likely add considerable complexity.

-- posted by dwrensha

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