run-time reflection

08 May 2023

Version 0.17 of capnproto-rust is now available! It introduces support for dynamically typed values, enabling a kind of run-time reflection. The new functionality lets you write ordinary Rust code to iterate through the fields of any Cap’n Proto struct, with access to names, types, and annotations. Previously, you would have needed to use code generation or procedural macros to achieve such things.

This blog post will show two particular applications of reflection: debug printing and generating random structured data. The former has until now been sorely missing in capnproto-rust, and the latter can yield (pretty?) pictures like this:

colorful randomly generated shapes

The post will also look at some details of how the implementation of reflection works.

Debug Printing

A major motivation for adding reflection to capnproto-rust is to implement the Debug trait for all Cap’n Proto structs. Because the data for such structs lives behind a layer of indirection (i.e. synthetic references), merely adding a #[derive(Debug)] annotation to the type declarations would not be sufficient to print any useful information. Instead, we need to add custom Debug implementations that read the underlying data.

One way to achieve that would be to generate, for each struct, separate implementation logic which iterates through the struct fields and prints their values in sequence. That’s the approach proposed by @as-com in pull request #390.

However, now that we have reflection, we can avoid generating so much single-purpose code. Instead, our Debug implementation for each struct immediately delegates to a shared implementation that knows how to deal with any Cap’n Proto struct type. See if you are curious about what the code looks like.

Using reflection in this way does have a (small) run-time cost, as it requires more branching than the static approach implemented in #390. However, because it improves maintainability and reduces code bloat (and therefore compile times!), the cost seems worth paying.

To see the new Debug functionality in action, suppose that we have the following schema for an address book:

struct Person {
  id @0 :UInt32;
  name @1 :Text;
  email @2 :Text;
  phones @3 :List(PhoneNumber);

  struct PhoneNumber {
    number @0 :Text;
    type @1 :Type;

    enum Type {
      mobile @0;
      home @1;
      work @2;

  employment :union {
    unemployed @4 :Void;
    employer @5 :Text;
    school @6 :Text;
    selfEmployed @7 :Void;

struct AddressBook {
  people @0 :List(Person);

If address_book is a value of this type, then we can print it with

println!("{:?}", address_book)

and we get:

(people = [(id = 123, name = "Alice", email = "", phones = [(number = "555-1212", type = mobile)], employment = (school = "MIT")), (id = 456, name = "Bob", email = "", phones = [(number = "555-4567", type = home), (number = "555-7654", type = work)], employment = (unemployed = ()))])

The format here is the standard capnproto text format. We can make it more readable via the “alternate” flag. If we print it with

println!("{:#?}", address_book)

then we get:

  people = [
      id = 123,
      name = "Alice",
      email = "",
      phones = [
          number = "555-1212",
          type = mobile
      employment = (
        school = "MIT"
      id = 456,
      name = "Bob",
      email = "",
      phones = [
          number = "555-4567",
          type = home
          number = "555-7654",
          type = work
      employment = (
        unemployed = ()

Filling in Random Values

Reflection also makes it easy to generate random values of any Cap’n Proto type, as might be useful in various kinds of testing. The new directory fill_random_values contains some example code illustrating this idea.

Random Addressbook

If we take the address book schema discussed above and plug it into fill_random_values, the output looks like this:

  people = [
      id = 640675312,
      name = "i",
      email = "npcvojhliloc",
      phones = [
          number = "y",
          type = mobile
          number = "mfqhbgmtgmbkyslpw",
          type = work
          number = "",
          type = home
          number = "yi",
          type = work
          number = "vgcqfrhqlparbptuwu",
          type = home
          number = "qkhyxjplpufjlxknp",
          type = mobile
          number = "oyenjhvaikluhpoedkj",
          type = work
          number = "y",
          type = work
      employment = (
        unemployed = ()
      id = 3188155808,
      name = "mpe",
      email = "vgqcfacrnhqrqxe",
      phones = [],
      employment = (
        employer = "aobikqcv"

That’s definitely some random gibberish!

To make the output more “realistic”, we can constrain the values of the fields using some annotations from fill.capnp. We might mark up the schema like this:

using Fill = import "fill.capnp";
using Corpora = import "corpora.capnp";

struct Person {
  id @0 :UInt32;
  name @1 :Text $Fill.SelectFrom(List(Text)).choices(Corpora.scientists);
  email @2 :Text $Fill.SelectFrom(List(Text)).choices(Corpora.emails);
  phones @3 :List(PhoneNumber) $Fill.lengthRange((max = 3));

  struct PhoneNumber {
    number @0 :Text $Fill.phoneNumber;
    type @1 :Type;

    enum Type {
      mobile @0;
      home @1;
      work @2;

  employment :union {
    unemployed @4 :Void;
    employer @5 :Text $Fill.SelectFrom(List(Text)).choices(Corpora.corporations);
    school @6 :Text $Fill.SelectFrom(List(Text)).choices(Corpora.schools);
    selfEmployed @7 :Void;

struct AddressBook {
  people @0 :List(Person) $Fill.lengthRange((max = 5));

Annotations are signified by the dollar sign $. For example, the line

  phones @3 :List(PhoneNumber) $Fill.lengthRange((max = 3));

tells the fill_random_values library that the value in the phones field should have length at most 3, and the line

  name @1 :Text $Fill.SelectFrom(List(Text)).choices(Corpora.scientists);

indicates that the value for the name field should be chosen the list of choices given by the Corpora.scientists constant, which is defined in the schema file corpora.capnp.

Here is some example output after these constraints are applied:

  people = [
      id = 2252764513,
      name = "Willard Gibbs",
      email = "",
      phones = [
          number = "985-555-1858",
          type = mobile
          number = "558-555-1461",
          type = work
          number = "585-555-1163",
          type = home
      employment = (
        school = "Penn State"
      id = 2222057070,
      name = "Joseph Priestley",
      email = "",
      phones = [
          number = "149-555-1350",
          type = work
          number = "685-555-1721",
          type = home
          number = "818-555-1428",
          type = home
      employment = (
        employer = "LKQ Corporation"

That looks better! You can imagine that maybe the code you are testing does some basic validation on its inputs, and that values generated in this way are more likely to pass the validation, and therefore can achieve better code coverage.

Random Shapes

To illustrate some of the other capabilities of fill_random_values, here is a schema describing a recursive geometric grammar, with fill_random_values annotations already added:

using Fill = import "fill.capnp";

struct Color {
  red   @0 : UInt8;
  green @1 : UInt8;
  blue  @2 : UInt8;

struct Point {
  # A point in normalized coordinates. (0,0) is the upper-left of
  # the current subcanvas, and (1,1) is the lower-right of the
  # current subcanvas.

  x @0 : Float64 $Fill.float64Range((min = 0.0, max = 1.0));
  y @1 : Float64 $Fill.float64Range((min = 0.0, max = 1.0));

struct Line {
  start @0 : Point;
  end   @1 : Point;

  thickness @2 : Float64 $Fill.float64Range((min = 0.01, max = 0.95));
  # Stroke width as a percent of the current subcanvas's diagonal length.

  color @3 : Color;

struct Circle {
  center @0 : Point;
  # The center of the circle.

  radius @1 : Float64 $Fill.float64Range((min = 0.01, max = 0.25));
  # The radius of the circle, as a proportion of the current
  # subcanvas's diagonal length.

  fillColor @2 : Color;

struct Subcanvas {
  # A canvas contained in a larger canvas.

  center @0 : Point;
  width @1 : Float64 $Fill.float64Range((min = 0.0, max = 1.0));
  height @2 : Float64 $Fill.float64Range((min = 0.0, max = 1.0));
  canvas @3 : Canvas;

struct Canvas {
  # A canvas containing some geometric elements.

  backgroundColor @0 : Color;
  lines @1 : List(Line) $Fill.lengthRange((max = 5));
  circles @2 : List(Circle) $Fill.lengthRange((max = 5));
  subcanvases @3 : List(Subcanvas) $Fill.lengthRange((max = 3));

We can pass this to fill_random_values and then render the output as SVGs, yielding:


I think these are fun! But the colors are maybe a bit too wild for my taste. What if we fixed a color palette? To that end, we define a constant:

const palette: List(Color) = [
 (red = 0x22, green = 0xd7, blue = 0xb5),
 (red = 0x11, green = 0xb1, blue = 0x86),
 (red = 0x7c, green = 0xa4, blue = 0xf5),
 (red = 0xe7, green = 0x60, blue = 0x1d),
 (red = 0x25, green = 0x23, blue = 0x25),
 (red = 0x89, green = 0x74, blue = 0x59),

and then we annotate the color fields like this:

  color @3 : Color $Fill.SelectFrom(List(Color)).choices(.palette);

Now the output, with constrained colors, looks like:


Now that’s starting to look like something I might frame and hang on a wall.

How It Works

The implementation of reflection in capnproto-rust largely follows the original implementation of reflection in capnproto-c++. The main idea is to stash type descriptions in the generated code.

The schema compiler plugin (capnpc-rust or capnpc-c++) receives its input as a CodeGeneratorRequest Cap’n Proto message, containing a list of Node values that describe all of the user-declared types. To support reflection, we save these Node values as static constants, and we make them available (in Rust) via an Introspect trait:

pub trait Introspect {
    fn introspect() -> Type;

This Type type represents a recursive data structure that can describe any Cap’n Proto type. Usually, recursive data structures require some form of heap allocation to avoid having infinite size. In this case, however, we achieve the necessary indirection by holding static references to the Node values in the generated code. This allows the entire reflection system to work without needing any heap allocation.

(Note that this setup implies that reflection is only possible on types that are known at compile time. The C++ implementation does offer further support for registering new types at run time, but adding such support in Rust would require a significant amount of additional effort.)

One tricky of all this is the fact that Cap’n Proto has generic types. That is, structs can have type parameters. We need to be able to retrieve information about such structs after applying type substitution for those parameters.

The C++ implementation has a scary comment about how it solves this problem:

// Note that while we generate one `RawSchema` per type, we generate a
// `RawBrandedSchema` for every _instance_ of a generic type -- or, at
// least, every instance that is actually used. For generated-code types,
// we use template magic to initialize these.

Rust most assuredly does not have “template magic”, so it’s not immediately clear how to solve the equivalent problem in Rust.

Fortunately, while Rust does not support type-parameterized static variables, it does support type-parameterized functions, and we can push type resolution logic into a function generated for every Cap’n Proto struct type:

pub fn get_field_types<T1, T2, ...>(field_index: u16) -> introspect::Type {

When you retrieve a field of a dynamic struct in capnproto-rust, the implemention will call the underlying get_field_types() method to retrieve the type of the field. It will then return to you a dynamic_value::Reader tagged with that type.

Ideas for Future Projects

Reflection has a wide range of possible applications, including:

I’m excited to see what users come up with!

-- posted by dwrensha

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