Compfiles: Catalog Of Math Problems Formalized In Lean


import Mathlib.Tactic

# Iberoamerican Interuniversity Mathematics Competition 2022, Problem 6

Given a positive integer m, let d(m) be the number of postive
divisors of m. Show that for every positive integer n, one
       d((n + 1)!) ≤ 2d(n!).

namespace CIIM2022P6

def d : ℕ → ℕ
| m => (Nat.divisors m).card

theorem ciim2022_p6 (n : ℕ) (hn : 0 < n) :
    d (Nat.factorial (n + 1)) ≤ 2 * d (Nat.factorial n) := sorry

end CIIM2022P6

File author(s): David Renshaw

This problem does not yet have a complete formalized solution.

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