import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Digits
# International Mathematical Olympiad 1960, Problem 1
Determine all three-digit numbers N having the property that N is divisible by 11, and
N/11 is equal to the sum of the squares of the digits of N.
open Nat
namespace Imo1960P1
def sumOfSquares (L : List ℕ) : ℕ :=
( fun x => x * x).sum
def ProblemPredicate (n : ℕ) : Prop :=
(Nat.digits 10 n).length = 3 ∧ 11 ∣ n ∧ n / 11 = sumOfSquares (Nat.digits 10 n)
/- determine -/ abbrev SolutionPredicate (n : ℕ) : Prop := sorry
theorem imo1960_p1 (n : ℕ) : ProblemPredicate n ↔ SolutionPredicate n := sorry
end Imo1960P1
This problem has a complete formalized solution.
The solution was imported from mathlib4/Archive/Imo/Imo1960Q1.lean.