import Mathlib.Data.PNat.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Pi
import Mathlib.Tactic
# International Mathematical Olympiad 2013, Problem 1
Prove that for any pair of positive integers k and n, there exist k positive integers
m₁, m₂, ..., mₖ (not necessarily different) such that
1 + (2ᵏ - 1)/ n = (1 + 1/m₁) * (1 + 1/m₂) * ... * (1 + 1/mₖ).
namespace Imo2013P1
theorem imo2013_p1 (n : ℕ+) (k : ℕ) :
∃ m : ℕ → ℕ+,
(1 : ℚ) + (2 ^ k - 1) / n = ∏ i ∈ Finset.range k, (1 + 1 / (m i : ℚ)) := sorry
end Imo2013P1
This problem has a complete formalized solution.