Compfiles: Catalog Of Math Problems Formalized In Lean


import Mathlib.Tactic

# USA Mathematical Olympiad 2011, Problem 4

For any integer n ≥ 2, define P(n) to be the proposition:

  P(n) ≡  2^(2^n) % (2^n - 1) is a power of 4

Either prove that P(n) is always true, or find a counterexample.

namespace Usa2011P4

abbrev P (n : ℕ) : Prop := ∃ k, 4^k = 2^(2^n) % (2^n - 1)

inductive SolutionData where
| AlwaysTrue : SolutionData
| Counterexample : ℕ → SolutionData

/- determine -/ abbrev solution_data : SolutionData := sorry

theorem usa2011_p4 :
    match solution_data with
    | .AlwaysTrue => ∀ n, 2 ≤ n → P n
    | .Counterexample m => 2 ≤ m ∧ ¬ P m := sorry

end Usa2011P4

File author(s): David Renshaw

This problem has a complete formalized solution.

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